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Zürichs Radio gegen den Strom.


ATTRIBUTE was given the task to develop a new concept and implement a technologically sustainable solution for GDS.FM. In collaboration with Michel Luarasi we redesigned everything from the ground up starting with a revamped sitemap, a fresh new layout and an overall simplified user experience. The new design puts GDS.FM in its deserved light and welcomes all visitors to its main areas: Music, artists and events.

Naturhistorisches Museum Bern

Naturhistorisches Museum Bern

Ältestes Museum in Bern


Joinbox (Frontend), Skop (Design)


2017 hat Attribute im Auftrag von Berner Burger und gemeinsam mit Skop (Design) und Joinbox (Frontend), eine neue Corporate Website für das Naturhistorische Museum Bern umgesetzt. Attribute verantwortet dabei das technische Konzept, sowie das Backend der Seite. Das NMBE gilt mit über 180 Jahren Geschichte als ältestes Museum Berns und wird seit den Anfängen von der Burgergemeinde Bern getragen. Zusätzliche relevante Stütze des Museums ist der Museumsverein. Ziel der neuen Website war es, die Navigation – bei sehr viel Inhalt – zu vereinfachen. Der Nutzer wird neu viel schneller auf relevante Seiten verwiesen und gelangt einfacher zu spezifischen Themen und Informationen. Dafür hat Attribute ein auf die Bedürfnisse vom NMBE zugeschnittenes CMS implementiert, welches funktionale und inhaltliche Flexibilität bietet. Dieses ermöglicht ein flexibles Eventbooking-System, mit welchem sich Nutzer nun online für Veranstaltungen im Museum anmelden können.



Lab für Innovationsethik


ethix, das Zürcher Lab für Innovationsethik, hat 2018 eine neue Corporate Website bei Attribute in Auftrag gegeben. Es handelt sich um eine Plattform, auf welcher Start-ups ihre Projekte und Vorhaben auf ethische Fragen hin prüfen können. Das Lab für Innovationsethik schafft einen Raum für den Dialog über die Chancen und Risiken von Innovation.
Denn: Innovation, der “Imperativ unserer Zeit” und Katalysator der Start-up Szene, ist nicht neutral, sondern wirft stets ethische Fragen auf. Um diese Fragen zu beurteilen und einzuordnen, hat ethix – zusammen mit Start-ups, Unternehmen und der Öffentlichkeit – Instrumente entwickelt, die auf dieser Seite demonstriert werden. Die Website dient dazu, potentiellen Kunden das Feld der Innovationsethik näher zu bringen und entsprechendes Know-How zu vermitteln. Die simple und informative Seite verfügt über einen Fragebogen (Tool-Box), mit dessen Hilfe Nutzer ein Profil des eigenen “Innovatortyps” erstellen können. Das Profil wird in Form einer Spider dargestellt und zeigt potentielle ethische Risiken für den Nutzer und sein Projekt auf. Attribute ist, abgesehen von der Entwicklung und Administration des Fragebogens, auch verantwortlich für Beratung, Konzeption, Frontend und Backend dieses Projektes. Das Design stammt von Urs Althaus.

Streaming against isolation


Bureau Mia (Design)


Streaming against isolation: a platform from Zurich is combining the creative forces that emerge from the shutdown. is an independent platform that provides a curated collection of live streams. The purpose is to provide support and visibility for cultural and activist actors in times of quarantine. The collection of live streams will be archived on our platform.

Photo of the website of enSoie


Fashion business


It is hard to imagine Zurich without the tradition-steeped family business enSoie. It embodies a unique part of Zurich lifestyle. The studio, fashion and accessories label with its localities in the old town of Zurich has by now gained international renown. Besides clothes and scarfs, enSoie designs and produces ceramic articles, cushions, and jewellery. Founded by the mother and continued by the daughters, the ambitions family label works together with Partners in Appenzell, Kolkata and Pruskow. Sustainability stands at the very core of this label. The website - on which we are currently collaborating with Dominik Huber (Moiré) - functions as an online shop and conveys an insight into the family’s creative process.

Photo of the Website of Fischer Architekten

Fischer Architekten

Zurichs long standing architects


Hammer (Design), Aude Lehmann (Koordination)


In 2016 we realized a website for one of the biggest and most steeped in history architectural firms in Zurich. Fischer Architekten was founded in 1929 and with its 60 employees it is a comparably large architectural firm for swiss standards. Aside from smaller projects - such as the building of residential houses - Fischer Architekten coordinates large and international projects too. Their website emphasizes the firm’s decade-long tradition through the portfolio section’s timeline of the firm’s history. The corporate Website - which we realized working together with graphic studio Hammer and Aude Lehmann - is sophisticated in both design and implementation. At the heart of the site is a video portrait of the firm which was specifically design for the website. An optimized gallery provides beautiful insights into the working of the architectural firm.

Photo of the website of Volumes


Independant art book fair


VOLUMES is the only swiss independent art publishing fair. The alternative book fair serves as a platform for independent local, and international publishers of art books. VOLUMES also presents minimal editions of artists who publish and produce their work by themselves. The website works as a communications platform of the art book fair fulfills several functions: Interested parties are able to get information on the current edition, a collection of books is displayed, as well as an archive of past editions is made available. Artists and publishers can apply for a table at the upcoming fair with a form we created specifically for this purpose.

Photo of the website of Gregory Gilber-Lodge

Gregory Gilbert-Lodge



Gregory Gilbert-Lodge is an award-winning illustrator, who lives and works in Zurich. Over the course of the last 20 years he realized a variety of internationally recognized projects.Among other things, Gregory Gilbert-Lodge created illustrations for Red Bull, Nike, Migros, Swiss International Airlines, VW, The Tate Modern, and Mercedes. His work has even been presented in the David Bowie exhibition and the V&A in London and Tokyo. He designed the Logo for the canton of Zurich and notable magazines such as GQ, NZZ, Zeit Magazin, Reportagen Magazin, and Das Magazin. The website which was created in collaboration with Atelier Pol features a wide range of illustration work. The illustrations are presented in a user-friendly image gallery. The portfolio website has an online shop where some of the iconographic screen prints can be ordered.

Photo of the website of Georg Gerster

Georg Gerster

Aerial photography


We implemented a portfolio website and online shop for the repeated award-winning aerial photographer Georg Gerster. Thanks to shots of UNESCO world heritage sites as well as pictures taken for the Swissair calendar the photographer has gained international renown. Over the course of his life he has shot an incomparable abundance of aerial images from hitherto uncharted perspectives. The big challenge of this project was to present the myriad of images in a concise manner. Therefore we created a photo gallery specifically designed to allow for quick and simple navigation. Thanks to a simple online shop a selection of prints can be acquired directly from the website. The site’s concept was developed in close collaboration with Christof Täschler.

Photo of the website of Edition Patrick Frey

Edition Patrick Frey

Art book publisher


Beyond any doubt, Edition Patrick Frey has become one of the most important Swiss publishers of art books since its foundation in 1986 and enjoys an international reputation. Edition Patrick Frey serves as a platform for young, aspiring artists and thus engages in arts promotion. It also maintains long relations with renowned artists. In 2013, ATTRIBUTE implemented a new online shop for Edition Patrick Frey in collaboration with THierry Blancpain. The declared aim: To make the feel of art books perceptible online. The new shop is characterized by a timeless design and a clear page structure. The optimization of its usability is reflected in the tenfold increase in revenue. By now, Edition Patrick Frey is a long-standing partner of ATTRIBUTE. We refine the website and add new features on a regular basis.

Photo of the website of Perlaton


Local music festival


Badesaison (Design)


In 2015, the alternative and cross-genre music festival PERLATON got its website from ATTRIBUTE. PERLATON is a small and locally based festival with a versatile program with the aspiration of promoting young and musically experimental projects. The website’s purpose is to provide both a program overview and background information on the artists. Furthermore, it serves as a source of informations to potential sponsors and funding institutions as well as an opportunity for private patrons to get actively involved. Aside from an overview of the upcoming and present festival program the site features an archive of all the past festivals. In the development of this website we collaborated with BADESAISON.

jörg boner productdesign

jörg boner productdesign

Design Studio


In 2015, ATTRIBUTE realized a portfolio website for the designer Jörg Boner. The Swiss designer’s sketches are dedicated to reduction – a principle we mirrored in the conception and arrangement of the website. In his studio in Zurich, Jörg Boner develops lamps, furniture and other objects of everyday use. The strikingly minimalistic design captivates the use due to its innovation and elegance – as well as due to its functionality. Aside from the classical portfolio function the website provides an insight into the designer’s creative working process. Additionally, the site features a sober online shop. ATTRIBUTE worked out the overall concept, built prototypes and developed and implemented the online shop. The design was conceived of by Christof Täschler – based on a corporate indentity created by NORM.

Photo of the website of staatslabor


Political plattform


staatslabor is the product of the engagement within a broad network of innovation practitioners during the summer of 2016. The interdisciplinary collaboration of technicians, entrepreneurs, designers, social scientists, politicians, and administrative staff lead to the creation of this space – innovatively tailored to swiss needs with regards to future challenges in administration. staatslabor functions as a platform linking experts, civil society, and administration. It is a space of exchange and public innovation laboratory. Developed in collaboration with Christoph Täschler, the website features a blog and provides information on current projects. The website explains the content and course of events leading up to staatslabor and serves as a communications platform - so as to document and exchange thought processes, initiatives and ideas.

Photo of the website of Robert Steinberger

Robert Steinberger

Performance artist


Curator and performance artist Robert Steinberger ist part of the artist collective FRICTION. He curated group exhibitions in Perla-Mode and Gessnerallee. He performed at the LISTE Basel, Stadtgalerie Bern, Réunion, and at the art institute in San Diego. We realized this portfolio website working closely with graphic designer Krispin Heé. In order to do justice to the diversity of the project we built the site in a modular fashion. One focus has been put on the typography used within the website’s structure. Text outlines are the central element of this website. We implemented an intro animation on the home page.

Photo of the website of Kulturspital


Cultural project at cantonal hospital Aarau


Sarah Kahn (Design)


Together with Kantonsspital Aarau, the association AkutKultur created the cultural project Kulturspital. Every two days, patients suffering from kidney disease spend up to five hours on the dialysis unit. Volunteers work with patients individually and provide creative impulses: From conversation, to literature, painting, music, and handcraft. The one-year pilot project Kulturspital - Spitalkultur benefits patient satisfaction, offers new perspectives and counters social isolation. The smaller projects that have evolved out of Kulturspital are documented on the website. On a blog the overall development of the project can be traced. We integrated a donation system on the website. Patrons can donate using their credit card to Kulturspital.

Photo of the website of BFB Architekten

BFB Architekten

Medical architecture


The architectural firm BFB Architects AG is specialized in hospitals, medicinal buildings and residential houses. Among other things, BFB planned and executed the conversions and extensions of hospitals in Weitzikon, and Limmattal, as well as the St. Claraspital in Basel. With a team of 25 people consisting of architects, technicians, and draughtsmen the firm looks back on three decades of experience. For BFB Architects we worked together with graphic designer Schätti - Lehmann to create a new visual identity and structure of the corporate website which allows for a modular handling of content – indispensable in light of the abundance of different projects. Photo galleries, plans, and news releases can be created dynamically on the new website.

Neue Wege

Neue Wege

Zeitschrift zu Religion und Sozialismus


Attribute hat 2018 in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Grafikerbüro Bonbon ein neues Newsportal für die Zeitschrift Neue Wege umgesetzt. Die monatlich erscheinende Zeitschrift setzt sich seit 112 Jahren mit Ent­wick­lun­gen in Po­li­tik, Wirt­schaft, Ge­sell­schaft und Kir­che kritisch aus­ein­an­der – und ist dabei immer am Puls der Zeit. Gegründet wurde das Blatt im Jahr 1906 von sozial, politisch und pazifistisch engagierten Theologen. Die Schweizer Traditions-Zeitschrift baut seither Brücken zwischen re­li­giösen und theo­lo­gi­schen sowie lin­ken ge­sell­schafts­po­li­ti­schen Dis­kur­sen und verhandelt Fragen nach religiösen Werten und dem Verhältnis von Gesellschaft und Religion(en). Ziel der neuen Website war es, mehr Inhalt publizieren und anregender darzustellen zu können. Nicht zuletzt, um eine jüngere Leserschaft gezielter zu erreichen. Attribute hat den Kunden bei der Planung und Umsetzung der Seite von Anfang an beraten und verantwortet die Informationsarchitektur, das Backend und Frontend. Die Website besteht aus einer Übersicht von Artikeln, welche in Popups geöffnet werden. Dies ermöglicht eine sehr schnelle Navigation und fördert die UX. Eingesetzte frameworks: Fully Decoupled Drupal mit React und Server Side Rendering.

Photo of the website of Lea Fischlin

Lea Fischlin

Graphic design and photography


In 2016, we realized a portfolio website for photographer and graphic designer Lea Fishlin. Ranging from Books to political poster campaigns, the website features the whole variety of her works. The unconventional and flashy layout is accentuated Thanks to a general structural reduction and thus highlights the visual material within this one-pager. The website was designed by Lea Fischlin herself.

Photo of the website of re/fugium


Art platform


re/fugium is an interdisciplinary one-time project that took place in Valle di Blenio, Ticino in the summer 2016. During two months a small group of artists, politicians, historians, programmers, etc. retreated in a discarded chocolat factory to discuss the generation Y and the future of our cohabitation – intentionally open-ended and thus detached from the usual performance pressure. The website’s primary purpose iswas to present the project and make it accessible to funding institutions. The site is structured in a very simple way: It is a one-pager starting with a complex fullscreen intro-animation. The graphic designer Christof Täschler created the CI and design.

Photo of the website of Friend




For the first time, we realized a website for musicians for the Zurich-based band FRIEND. Freed of all conventions regarding classical band websites the front page demonstrates humor. The site is kept in a simple structure and is limited to what is absolutely necessary: An agenda of upcoming shows, music videos, embedded Soundcloud tracks and contact information. The website comes across straightforward – not least because of the collaboration with graphic designer Dominik Huber, himself a band member of FRIEND. We implemented the site in 2016.

Photo of the website of Patrick Frey

Patrick Frey

Comedy and stageplay


Patrick Frey is a Swiss actor, cabaret artist, author, and publisher (Edition Patrick Frey). Among other things, he gained recognition as an actor in the series Lüthi&Blanc, as a co-initiator of the Casinotheater Winterthur, as a cabaret artist providing a full-length program, and as a cultural journalist for Tagesanzeiger and WOZ. His many and diverse public appearances demand for an agenda that is clearly arranged. The agenda is a central element of the website and is being displayed prominently on the front page. Furthermore, the website serves the purpose to document the diverse works of Patrick Frey. In 2016, we worked together with graphic designer Teo Shifferli to create this website.

Photo of the website Sibylle Berg

Sibylle Berg

Novels, plays, and columns


In 2015, we realized a website for the swiss author Sibylle Berg. Sibylle Berg writes novels which have been translated into several languages and has celebrated international success. She also writes theater plays, essays and a weekly column for Spiegel Online. The website presents the most recent books, which can be acquired through the links to the respective publisher’s site. The front page consists of a video intro while the rest has been kept in a simple style. Aside from a general overview of the books and theater projects the website features a blog where Sibylle Berg posts up-to-date content. We conceptualized and realized the project working together with graphic designer Michel Luarasi.

Photo of the website of nasire


Moroccan leather webshop


The young, Zurich-based fashion label nasire designs and produces leather products of high quality. Their flagship product are precious and functional leather bags. All goods are being produced in Marrakech. The exchange between the two cities Zurich and Marrakech is an essential part of this project as Marrakech’s architecture has been a decisive source of inspiration for the design of the bags. nasire’s hallmark is the traditional moroccan tanning process. We developed an online shop featuring straightforward checkout for the lifestyle label from Zurich. The overall design of the website has been kept minimalistic – very much in contrast to the elaborate intro which presents visuals inspired by moroccan patterns. In 2016, we realized the website together with nasire.

Photo of the website of Beatrice Müller

Beatrice Müller

Communication and media coaching


Beatrice Müller is an expert for training in communications and media skills. She worked for SRF for 25 years – 16 of which as a moderator for Tagesschau. Today, Beatrice Müller offers training in communication and media to individuals and companies, while also giving talks at universities and other higher education institutions. The corporate website – which we realized working together with graphic designer Michel Luarasi in 2015 - is structured in a simple style and provides an overview of the range of trainings and communications emphases. Aside from an agenda of the current course offers the site features a blog which is being used actively. For Beatrice Müller the website has confirmedly become the most successful source of acquisition.

Photo of the website of Parkplatz


Cultural repurposing in public space


Park Platz (“parking space”) used to be , as the name suggests, a parking space – until a small group of culture professionals decided to take care of this small piece of land. By now, Park Platz has become an open space away from a commercial use of space. It has become a laboratory for developing new ideas that would not be possible anywhere else in Zurich. The space is being shaped and maintained collectively and offers possibilities for interested, creative, and engaged people to carry out cultural projects and workshops. Aside from that, the plot has become a meeting place, a garden, a playground – with its very own café. The website – which we developed in close collaboration with Studio Sirup – is an agenda, as well as a platform for communication and networking. Interested parties get information on the unusual project and upcoming events. The site also features an archive that documents past projects.

Photo of the website of Friction


Artist collective


Badesaison (Design)


We implemented a portfolio website for the Zurich-based artist and curator collective FRICTION. The website highlights the collective’s current work and documents the diversity of its art and performance projects. Since the collective works on a project-based approach it was conceptually important to uphold the older content graphically – despite irregular updates. In order to achieve this we worked closely with the graphic designers Badesaison. The websites intro consists of videos by the artist Esther Mathis. The collective communicates mainly over social media and has an affinity for images. In “Media” various images and texts are displayed which are directly linked to Facebook and Instragram.

Photo of the website of Velo Blitz


Zurichs messenger


Signalwerk GmbH (Frontend), Gut & Schön (Design)


In 2016, we created a website for the well-known cycle courier Veloblitz. The cooperative logistics service enterprise employs over 70 couriers. In all weathers and in the midst of the city rush, they reliably and friendly deliver – and all of this while enjoying cycling greatly. The website is built in a simple and functional way. Customers can get information on offers and calculate prices directly on the site. On this project we collaborated with Stefan Huber (Signalwerk GmbH) and Annegreth Schärli (Gut & Schön).

Photo of the website of Weinberg


Traditional couturier business


Hammer (Design)


The traditional business Weinberg, located at the Bahnhofstrasse in the centre of Zurich, was founded in 1934. The fashion business exclusively sells Haute Couture fashion by international labels. The company website which we realized working together with design studio Hammer offer an insight into the history of the family enterprise and shows the current collection. An additional particularity of the fashion business is its in-house tailor shop where customers are able to get their purchases modified.  The website prominently emphasizes this focus.

Photo of the website of Journal21


Independent news portal


In 2013, we realized the website for the independent news portal Journal21. Resisting the proclamation of “news”, Journal21 does without sensational journalism and live streams. Instead, the online journal focuses on the added value of journalism: deeper analysis, comments and background reports on current world affairs. Journal21 is predominantly authored and operated by retired journalists and is directed at readers with high demands regarding journalism. We worked out the information architecture of this complex website together with graphic designer Janine Fuchs. We maintain Journal21 on a long-term basis and implement adjustments regularely.